Friday, October 07, 2005

I really need to develop my computer skills. I can do your basic things. Things that a Literature major would need to know. I can do research, I can write long and witty emails begging for paper extentions, I can organize photos and use Word fairly well. That is where it all ends. I used to be able to use Quark and PageMaker, but I am positive that faced with that software, my retention of that knowledge would be at about 10%. My brain just doesn't work that way, computers aren't intuitive to me at all.

That said, I tried to set up a mailing list the other night for Crankypants. I set up an account at Bravenet and started enetering all of my customers' email addresses into the little mailing list box thingie. I thought-'Oh, I compile the list of emails, then I compose a message to send to them asking them if they want to sign up for my newsletter'. Nope. I was suppose to do the little message first and then enter the emails. As it was, as I entered each address, a completely generic and nondescript message was sent to them saying "Join the mailing list". It had my personal email attached to it. There was no way any of my customers would know that it was me trying to sign them up and there was no cute little message to entice them into joining. It could have been the "Take Viagra and enlarge your penis" or "Reasons why George W. Bush is the next Jesus" mailing list for all they could tell. Oops. So I had to delete all fo the emails, compose the little note and start all over, including an apology for sending the first email. Doh! Well, even with the big snafu, 10 people joined so far. It has only been 2 days, so that's not too bad. I think I am going to have Sarah add the code to the site that lets people sign up there.

Let's talk about spam commenting on Blogger, shall we? Do they really think that I believe they just randomly came across my blog, loved it and decided to leave me theirs? Seriously. Now if I got comment spam that said "I actually never read your blog because I don't care what you have to say, but I am trying to promote my own, so come read it" I might go check it out. Kind of like giving your change to someone holding a "Need money for alcohol research" or "Spare change for Old English" sign. I appreciate the honesty.

So Tom and Katie are all pregnant. Sca.Ry. I am trying really hard not to wish post partum depression on her, but secretly I think it would be hysterical if she did get it and then beat the crap out of Tom with a sack of dirty diapers when he suggest that she exercise and take a vitamin. Hee. I can't believe they actually did the deed. He was thinking about "Iceman" the whole time, I just know it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:54 AM  
Blogger K said...

Can I join your list? As part of the Crankypants Gorilla Marketing Team.

You can get the "Hey, your blog is cool...I have one about toothpicks, check it out!" to go away by not allowing Anonymous comments. It's somewhere in the comment setting place.

Heard your Dad on the answering machine leaving info on your plane reservations. Glad to hear your coming back so soon! Hopefully will have some snow for you guys.

Would love to write some more, but I need to learn a little more about hypertension remedies...

10:37 AM  
Blogger KidTaster said...

I just sent you an invite. It's very exclusive, you know, invite only. Oooh, Crankypants Gorrila Marketing Team. I will have to make little shirts and things. Except, as much as I like the idea of having a band of trained monkeys to do my bidding, I think it is Guerrilla. Hee. Now you have to make up all sorts of alter egos and secret identities. "I am so glad to have found the Mothers of Quintuplets" Board. My name is Hilde and I just ordered the best pants! They are color coded so I can tell my little darlings apart!", etc.

Yes indeedy, we are coming back soon. I am already looking forward to it. And yay for travelling with 2, count 'em TWO parents and a kid with his own seat on the plane. A mama never had it so good. Now I have to lose the 4 pounds I gained last week to get ready to gain 10 more at Xmas...I just KNOW there will be peanut butter balls and I'll be forced under extreme duress to eat at least a half dozen a day or else.

10:55 AM  
Blogger K said...

But I already got bananas....and and orange kitten.

12:18 PM  
Blogger K said...

one "and" would have sufficed.

12:29 PM  
Blogger KidTaster said...

KoKo, secretly want Henry to call you KiKi, don't you? We'll work on it for Xmas.

3:10 PM  

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