Saturday, November 05, 2005

Last night Henry only woke up once. I fell asleep with him on the evil futon of torture and woke up 2 hours later with pains in strange places. I snuck back into my comfy bed where I lay undisturbed until 6am. Woot!

We went for a drive on the parkway, but we were all a little crabby, so we didn't stop to take any pictures of the beautiful leaves starting to finally change. We decided we needed some fresh air, so we went to the Arboretum and walked around a bit. There were no flowers to speak of, but the little streams and fountains still had water in them, so Henry had fun running around trying to figure out a way to go swimming. Alas, he remained dry. We went on the trail for a while and collected a ton of acorn caps. I'm not sure what I'll use them for, but they'll come in handy some day, I just know it. Henry had fun searching for them and putting them in my huge cargo pocket.

We then returned home and decided to be brave and try the hole in the wall Thai place right down the street. It was awesome! The best pad thai I've had so far, I think. I guess sometimes it pays to be adventurous.

Tomorrow we are planning on waking up (Kyle waking up with the baby and me sleeping in, at least that's the plan. Henry will probably scream and cry until I finally give in and get out of bed, though. We'll see.) and packing a lunch to take up into the mountains for a picnic. I am going to ignore all of my knitting piling up around me and Kyle is going to ignore the paper he should write and we'll go get some fresh air. We can work on all of that other stuff during nap time.

Henry has decided that, out of all the kids' songs he knows, the only one with a religious tint to it is his absolute favorite. It is "Pharoah, Pharoah" by Billy Jonas. It is to the tune of "Louie, Louie" and goes "Pharoah, Paharoah, oooooohhhh baby, let my people go. UGH! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah". Interestingly enough, Henry only manages to get "Oooooooh baby, let me UGH! yeah yeah yeah". People in Target and the grocery store think that Henry is being raised on a steady diet of 2 Live Crew. We're going to have to work on that one...


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