Thursday, June 08, 2006

Wow, I just posted a lot of pictures down there.

It seems like a lot has been going on, but last time I posted the damn thing got eaten so I'll be brief and shallow.

We have seen a few movies lately.

1. Transamerica . Go see it right now. It was awesome. It also made me realize that I have a soft spot for teenaged male prostitutes (Toby from this movie, River Phoenix in My Own Private Idaho, Joseph Gordon Levitt's character in Mysterious Skin) which was a little disturbing, but still a great movie. I actually put down my knitting to give it my full attention and that does not happen very often.

2. A League of Ordinary Gentlemen . Yes, believe it or not, we rented and watched a documentary about professional bowling. And it was pretty good. It was no Spellbound but it was interesting to see a documentary about something I am so unfamiliar with.

3. Shopgirl. This is quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. It is Steve Martin's horrfying leap at getting a piece of what Bill Murray has found at this point in his career and failing It was so bad. Steve Martin plays a main character AND does awful omnipotent voiceovers that aren't even from his charater's point of view. It is like we aren't supposed to recognize his voice or something. Gah. It was so bad. I can't even put it into words. Jason Shwartzman was a shiny bright spot, but you could tell he was just in it to make out with Claire Danes. Or that is what I told myself to keep from feeling betrayed by him. What was he thinking?

And now it is time for me to go to bed. We have a big day planned tomorrow. Kyle has the day off, so...hiking at bent Creek in the AM, then nap, lunch/dinner with the Comer's at our favorite bbq place, a matinee of Cars and then the drum circle downtown before bed. Phew!


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