Saturday, July 08, 2006

Okay, there are some pictures below for all interested parties. Suzy has some, too, but I have to wait for them to come into my inbox before posting them.

After I published that last entry I remembered that I had forgotten something and now here I am, forgetting it anew.

Anyway, Northern Michigan. It was kind of chilly, so we didn't have the opportunity to get Henry up on waterskis (oh, darn!). We played a lot of cards and I read a trashy novel while trying to avoid getting any work done. It worked. Now that I am home I am going to be scrambling to get caught up. OH! I remember what it was that I forgot. Very very exciting. I started making the lacy window covering from Mason Dixon Knitting. I am doing a Fall/Winter version of the one in the book, in a varigated dark green sport weight wool. I'll take pictures someday. I got about halfway through when I realized just how much I should be doing work knitting and not futzing about with fun stuff. I'll pick it back up when I'm caught up again. Okay...back to Northern Michigan...Henry got to drive a boat AND a Porshe '57 Speedster convertable. You really do have to squeeze all of that in before the 3rd birthday, you know. I wish we could have gotten some pictures of Henry watching the fireworks was dark, you know. He loved them, and the parade on the 4th.

We saw a movie that my Papa absolutely HAS to see called The Fastest Indian about speedy motorcycles. The next movie on MY must see list is Brick. Bam saw it and described it as "Veronica Mars meets Double Indemnity". Does it get any better than that? I think not.

Henry is turning 3 on Monday. I can't frelling believe it. His big party is a week from today and I have no idea what we're going to do. I can't decide if Henry should be Robert Plant or Sid Vicious. I have to do lots of shopping. Hell, I still have invites to deliver.

Okay, now I reeeaaally should go work. Pth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh! Adorable. I have to e-mail you the pics from Bambi's party of the Bean and Lou!

5:08 PM  

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