Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween hangover day! Last night went great. We met up with some friends who live next to the hoity toity part of town, so we met at her 950 square" house and walked the one block to the 3500 square" houses to get the good loot. I was kind of disappointed at how many houses kept their lights out, but then I remembered we are in the Bible Belt and Halloween is an evil Satanic holiday. Can you see my eyes rolling? The first few houses, Henry tried to push past the person giving out candy and go inside for the stash of the good stuff they bought telling themselves it was for the kids, but secretly hoped would be leftover so they could eat it all themselves. After a few houses he got the hang of it, though. At the local Bed and Breakfast, Henry had his choice between full sized candybars or pretzels. He took the damn pretzels. We'll have to go over the game tape for next year so he can learn from his mistakes. After about an hour we went back to our side of town to hit a neighborhood I've been hearing about all month. "Vermont Ave. is the place to be on Halloween", they say. "One house spent $200 on candy last year", I heard. So we went to check it out. It was everything they said and more. The sidewalks were packed and kids overflowed into the streets. Hipster adults showed off their cool DIY costumes they had been slaving over for the last 3 months. One house had their large side porch covered with a sheet, and from the street we were treated to a silouette show of some witches making a scary brew with ingredients that didn't want to stay in the pot. There were awesomely carved pumpkins and awesomely dressed kiddies. It was like the trick or treat scene from a movie. It rocked. Next year we will skip the fancy neighborhood and go straight to Vermont Ave. early, before the teenagers come out. That neighborhood reminded me of why I do love Asheville. It is such a great, fun, inclusive community. Now I just have toconvince Henry that no matter how many times he says "Trick or Treat", he doesn't get to eat Kit Kats for breakfast...


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