Thursday, December 15, 2005

Today we woke up to a half an inch of ice covering everything. Kyle got the day off, which was nice, but we couldn't go anywhere, which made for a long, stir crazy day. There was a lot of drumming to various gods of rock.

In addition to this blog, I also keep a livejournal. No, you can't have the address. Anyway, through a comment on an old friend's journal, I was found by someone else I apparently know from high school. I can't figure out who the heck she is. She was friends with the girl who used to live across the street from me, and she knows I lived across the street, so I know she thinks I am the right person. I feel like I should know her, but I just don't. Even weirder-she told me another person would LOVE to see me. A person whose name I can't place either. Is my memory that bad? Did I actually block part of my high school experience out to cope with it? I am baffled. Ooooh-yearbook. Hang on.


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