Saturday, December 17, 2005

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell...on a whim yesterday we decided to drive by the house so Kyle could take a peek in the windows and we were greeted by the welcome wagon. The welcome wagon being a crackhead named "Duece Duece" who lives with his poor 93 year old grandmother across the street. Um, yeah. The house is no longer an appealing option. While friendly and not threatening (he was stumbling so badly that I am confident Henry could have kicked his ass), he was annoying as hell, asking for money and repeating things 8 million times while we tried to make our escape. From some of his barely coherent ramblings I got the idea that us being white may be an issue in that neighborhood, something I hadn't considered before. I am sure that, should we move there, Duece Duece would plague us every day of our lives.

I resigned myself to living in this apartment for the rest of my days for a few hours and then I finished filling out the long and involved paperwork for the other affordable housing organization. They have a waiting list, but I guess it will be worth the wait to not have to deal with The Double Duece. I didn't want to move in the winter anyway, sniff sniff.


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