Monday, February 20, 2006

I finished a scarf for Sara's mama today at knitting playgroup. Yay! When I get a chance, I'll posta picture of it. It is not super fancy, just a drop stitch number in varigated yarn, but I think it turned out perty and I hope that every time she wears it she feels her daughter giving her a big fat hug. Now back to pants. BO-ring.

Henry has decided that naps are for suckers. He has also decided that his new bedtime is 10pm, pth. Since I go to bed at 10:02pm, this new development seriously cuts in on my "me" time. He is currently laying about 2 feet away from the tv watching Blue's Clues and smiling to himself. This morning he asked to watch fSesam Street Karaoke on the computer. I put it in and went to do dishes. When I came back in to check on him, he had found my old microphone and was gleefully singing "The People in Your Neighborhood" into it, right along with Bob. Yeah, he's pretty damn cool, that kid.

Playgroup was pretty rough today. All the kids are getting over being sick, so they are readjusting to getting all together again. There was pushing, hitting and much stealing of toys. Not very relaxing for the mamas. But I guess that's what Starbucks (in all its evil, franchising glory) is for. Grande skinny mocha no whip, thankyouverymuch.

Per request I made a mixed CD for one of the young, hip girls on my trivia team. I am supposed to deliver it to her tonight at the pub. I am secretly afraid that she will listen to it and think I am an old and tragically lame person. I am also secretly ashamed that I give a poo. Ah well, such is life.

My old band (Dabenport) was just asked to submit a song for a compilation being put out in England. There are going to be a bunch of kick booty bands on there with them, including The Brian Jonestown Massacre. You might know them from the recent documentary DIG! about their ongoing feud with The Dandy Warhols. Yeah, maybe not. Anyway, I am SO jealous. I want to be on a cool English compilation record. Whatever. I get a 2.5 year old rock god in his own mind.

I win.


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