Sunday, May 21, 2006

Well, it finally happened. I was awoken last night at about 1am by a thunk and screaming. I jumped out of bed and ran into Henry's room to find him laying on the floor in hysterics. From what I can piece together from what he told me, he rolled out of bed and hit his hip on the wooden stepstool on the way down. It broke his fall so he didn't hit his head on the ground, but it didn't feel good. It took me a long time to coax him back into bed and then another 2 hours for him to fall back to sleep. Poor little man. I guess maybe we should look into a guard rail after all. He usually cuddles up so close to the wall I can't believe he fell out. Bad mama!

In other news, we finally got our last credit letter, this one from BCBS, saying that we have perfect payment history with them. Of course, when I called our loan officer to set up a meeting to submit all of our paperwork I got a voicemail message saying that she had just left for vacation until after Memorial Day. Awesome. Now I can wait until she gets back or take a chance with someone else. I am hesitant to do that since we are involved in 3 different assistance programs, all of which she is already familiar with, all of which could get screwed up by someone who doesn't know what they are doing.

As of this morning, my fundraising auction for my mama friend has broken the $500 mark! Yay!

Okay. Mr.Man needs help finding his Chicken Little movie while Kyle watches Game 7 in the Pistons series. Peace out.


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