Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Well. It looks like we are going to be buying a house!!! We got a call from the bank yesterday saying that the woman who was in charge of our file pushed us though! There are a few minor stipulations, but I don't think that any of them will be a problem. I drove past the property the other day and they still haven't broken ground, so it will be a while, but it looks like it is going to happen. IKEA here we come!

Henry's birthday passed with little ado. We didn't really make a big deal out of it at all since his party isn't until Saturday. Once he sees presents and cake, he'll be ALL about turning 3. He got some presents in the mail today and I dutifully set them aside for him to open Saturday. I think we are going to go for a Roger Daltry/Jim Morrison rock star look. I bought some brown felt and tonight after he goest o bed I am going to set about the task of making a wee little fringe vest that he can wear with no shirt. Then I have to find a pair of cords suitable for making into bellbottoms.

The little man had his 3 year well baby chackup today. It seems like he is quite the lean, mean, fighting machine. He is in about the 75% for height (37") and 10% for weight (27lbs.13oz.). No new news, really, Dr. Rob just gave him the once over and declared him prefectly healthy. Oh, and he said that the damage to his toe from dropping that drum on it should ahve warranted a doctor visit. He said that since we didn't bring him in, the damage was enough that he might have trouble if the nail falls off because of damage to the cuticle. If we had brought him in they would have drilled a hole in his toenail to let some of the blood leak out and that would have saved the nail. Now, if it falls off, it might either not grow back at all or grow back all funky looking. Poor little toe, but I am glad I didn't have to hold him down while someone drilled a hole through his toenail. Holy crap, I thought shots were bad.

Okay, tiny man needs some attention...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! House!

4:09 PM  

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