Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Henry has developed a new habit that is pretty much the cutest thing ever. He will run into whatever room I am in, unleash a steady stream of words that I can't understand, turn to leave the room again and then stop, like he has forgotten the most important thing, turn back and hold up both hands and say "ten", then continue on his way. Like, "Oh, by the way....ten. Just thought you should know". He gets so excited about the number ten, partially because he can represent it with his 10 fingers (he has trouble with the lesser numbers that require holding fingers down) and partially because I let him watch too much Sesame Street, where the number 10 rules with an iron fist. God, I love that kid.

And part of loving that kid lately, is detangling his hair. Not a fun job. Before he weaned, I could sit 3 times a day and gently pull the tangles out of his hair as he lay in my lap nursing. Now I have to chase him around the house knuckle deep in dread locks while he screams "Ouchy! Ouchy! Huuuuuuurts!". Cutting it is really not an option, so I gave in and bought some obnoxiously fruity smelling (is there really another kind?) detangler and equally obnoxiously fruity smelling detangling shampoo. At least they weren't bubble gum scent. Whatever marketing genius came up with bubble gum scented kid products needs to be shot. Okay, maybe not shot. But they need a serious talking to. First off, chemically manufactured bubble gum scent? So very disgusting. And logically speaking, do you really think it is a good idea to make a potentially hazardous child's grooming product that smells like something they would very much love to gobble up? Probably not. I know I am supposed to be the best mom ever and never leave anything like baby shampoo within arms reach of my darling child, but geez, couldn't you make it smell less edible, just in case? I am near perfect, mind you, but not quite. Anyway. I was almost disappointed when the detangler worked. Henry no longer smells like Henry. He now smells like razzleberry pie or tooty fruity delight or some other frighteningly sweet smell not found in nature. Because, apparently, 'apple' or 'strawberry' would just not do the trick.

Another smell I'm not loving around here? Henry's newly smelly feet. He's 2. His feet smell like they are 13. It is truly disturbing. He has grown out of his sandles, but the thought of socks and shoes in the heat seems so uncomfortable so I just slipped on his Jungle Mocs sockless. Boy howdy was that a mistake. When I took them off to put him down for a nap, I smelled a boy smell remeniseint of my brother's hockey bag in 10th grade. Ummm.....ew. We will no longer be going sockless in leather shoes thankyouverymuch.

Uh oh. Henry just approached me as I sit here with hands that are giving off an unmistakable 'razzleberry pie' smell. This is what I mean! Must go investigate.


Blogger K said...

Did he grow out of the light up sketcher shoes? Too bad. They were rad.

12:24 PM  
Blogger KidTaster said...

Yup, the light up Sketchers have fallen by the wayside. His little toes hang right over the front when e walks in them. There is always next spring...

2:15 PM  

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