Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Henry has decided that he is a drummer. His favorite thing on Earth right now is to go to the pantry and take out an assortment of canned goods. He then arranges them just so on the step that goes from the kitchen to the living room. He gets 2 long Lincoln Logs for sticks and then he goes to town. He has talent for a 2 year old. If you put music on he can keep the time fairly well, and if there is no music, he makes up his own fills and things. He will go all down the row of cans with his drumsticks and then end with a cymbal crash at the end. You can tell that's what he's doing ebcause he always places the last can in the rown farther away so there is a pause: bada bada bada bada...bop. It's pretty cool. We had people over for dinner this weekend and he did it for them. They were very impressed. Kyle is talking about getting him a drum kit. I don't think so. Although I am sure that the sisters would love nothing more than to be awoken at 7am on a Saturday by the gentle sounds of a toddler and a drum kit, it ain't gonna happen. I think we should start with some cheap bongos or a drum pad or something. Maybe when we have our own house we can talk about it again. And if any drums show up this holiday season? Hell. To. Pay.

I took out my stash of bibs this morning because someone ordered some from the site. Of course they ordered the only one I no longer have in stock so I have to make one, but that is besides the point. Henry found the stash and cried until I agreed to put a blueberry patterned bib on him. He has been walking around with it on for about an hour now and refuses to take it off. He won't wear a hat, but the blueberry bib is comfy as hell. Hm.

In other strange boy news, Kyle has decided to go camping this weekend. On Mount Mitchell. Where they closed the Parkway because of ice. The hell? He and his friend Anthony are going to go hike about 15 miles up the mountain and camp on top. They are "fastpacking", which means they take as little gear as possible. They will be sleeping under a tarp instead of a tent and their stove is made out of a tin can. I suggested to Kyle that, since he hasn't hiked more than 2 miles in about 3 years and we haven't really camped in a long time that maybe they should not start with a 15 mile rapidly ascending climb to 6000 ft. in the middle of November. But he seemed to think their plan was perfectly logical, so I am looking forward to the story he comes back with Sunday evening...


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