Tuesday, February 21, 2006

We get to go pick up Henry's new bed today, I can't wait! While he was at co-op today I went to Target and found a cute sheet set with bugs and things all over it. I then came home and packed and labelled a bunch of stuff for the Wee Trade sale this weekend. I am going to try to get rid of some of his big things that he doesn't use anymore. Bye bye crib! That room is going to seem so much more open when we're all done.

After organizing all of that stuff, I rewarded myself wit a trip to the fancy yarn store. I had a gift certificate, but I still ended up spending $20. I bought 4 skeins of that same Uruguan merino that I am going to get wholesale on later this year. I wanted to try out some of the colors. Man are they gorgeous! I got a black and redish one, a lighter green, a dark green/brown/purple and a purple brown and yellow. They are so pretty. I am going to knit up some shorts with it and probably pick the best air to keep for Henry and sell the rest. I figured I can do the cute designs with the cheaper yarn and do juct plain ones with the higher quality hand dyes. I might pair them with cute little shirts if I can find someone to do some cheaply. We shall see. I am knitting up the dark green/brown/purple right now and they are perty. And the yarn ladies there were super duper nice. That place could get dangerous.

We are picking up Kyle at 3:30, then to get the bed, and then I am going to go to Babies 'R' Us to get some supplies for the new bed. Maybe one more set of sheets, a guard rail and he is going to need little steps or something to get into it. And I'm going to look at potties while we're there. The on we have is awful. If by some miracle he actually DID pee while sitting on it, the chances of a single drop actually making it into the potty would be slim to none. Poor design. Sometimes you don't know something is badly made until after you try to use it. Even if Kyle gets a kick out of it being a "Pooh" potty. Get it? Yeah, he's 12.

We came in 2nd at tricia last night. Not bad. There was a new guy there that looked just like Nate Berkus. I asked him if he got that a lot and everyone at the table looked at me like I was crazy. No one knew who he was. When I told them he was Oprah's interior decorator I cemented my place in the group as television addicted pop culture girl. They didn't believe me that he was a famous person. He is, right? You guys know who Nate Berkus is, right? Or am I just crazy? I had just told them about the Project Runway marathon I had watched this weekend, so I don't think that helped either. Hey, it's not my fault they are a bunch of Luddites without cable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, Nate Berkus? Only the hottest gay man in America. You were playing trivia with a guy that looks like him? Nice.

Linens n Things now has a Nate Berkus line (or is it Bed Bath and Beyond?) J bought Nate Berkus bedspread and pillows. Just so we can pretend we're Oprah and Stedman.

Maybe he doing kids sets too?

10:01 AM  

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