Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I can't believe I did it, but I left an important little tidbit out of Henry's haircutting story last night. After the cut Henry and McKai were playing together. Henry was playing Fletcher's South African hand drum and McKai was dancing around playing the fake guitar. Henry decided he wanted to relocate and managed to pick up the drum that is more than half his size. And he dropped it on his big toe. Ouch. This morning his little toenail is all black and he'll only walk on the heel of that foot. Poor little man. I think it is one of those injuries that we just have to wait out, which is no fun at all. I don't like not being able to help. He wasn't even interested in a Sesame Street bandaid.

In other news, boys' underwear sucks! Why do they only make Dora undies for girls? Boots the monkey is clearly a boy, though I guess he doesn't wear undies. If Dora being a girl makes it a cultural impossiblity for it to be appropriate for any little boy to want Dora undies, can't they at LEAST make Go, Diego, Go undies for boys? Henry loves those shows. He doesn't need Spiderman or Batman undies, he's 3 and doesn't watch that crap. He doesn't need Nascar or H2 undies. Frankly, the idea of putting either of those things on him makes me want to shoot myself in the face. What are we left with? Thomas, which we already have, and Elmo. SO I got some Elmo undies, but henry hasn't been that into Elmo in a while, so I don't think he is going to be that big of an incentive for him to wear them. Someone find me some Diego undies, dammit.

Henry slept very poorly last night. He called me in and asked me to lay down with him for a while. I thought I could sneak off, but he kept waking up crying every 5-10 minutes and being upset about very random things. He woke up and started crying about leaves. He woke up and started crying about cars. Etc., etc., ad nauseum. A few hours later I finally made it back to my bed. Henry was still sleeping when it was time for Kyle to leave this morning so he took the car. So I am now looking at the next 5 hours wondering what the heck we are going to do all morning. I just don't feel up to strapping Henry into the stroller and walking to the park or library. I am tiiiiiiiiired. I don't even feel like walking down to water the garden, which needs to be done.

Oh, I hear Henry rummaging around in something in the other room. Best to go see what he is up to...


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