Monday, June 19, 2006

I just posted a bunch of pictures but, as usual, I forgot that they go in order from bottom to top so they are all backwards. Go to the bottom of the bunch and scroll up instead of vice versa.

We are having knitting playgroup over here today so I spent all morning thus far running around and trying to make it look like we aren't totally gross and living in squalor. I am so over not having any storage space. Even right after I clean up it looks like a disaster just because we have so much stuff crammed into every nook and cranny. Ah well. I only heard back from one mama anyway, so maybe it'll just be Liz and I today. That would be fine with me. I am having a pretty low energy morning. I thought about running down to the bakery and getting a big ole cup of coffee, but Kyle took the car. And the bakery is closed on Monday. Little details, really. Yes I could make coffee here but...nah.

Ah, the little maniac calls...


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