Monday, June 12, 2006

Today was a good day. Kyle had to run into work for a couple of hours but he was back in time for Henry and I to go to Liz and Adella's house for our Monday morning knitting playgroup. We had a good time and I got a lot of work done. The one dark spot of the morning was when Henry and Rachel got into a little tussle over the swing and Rachel gave Henry's little hand a big ole chomp with her pearly whites. He had huge teeth marks on both sides of his hand and there was still a little bit of redness when I put him to bed. We talked about it and our conversation went something like this:
Me: Does your hand still hurt?
H: Uh Huh, I have a boo boo.
Me: Do you remember what happened?
H: Uh Huh, Rachel bite me.
Me: And that wasn't nice was it? So what happened to Rachel?
H: Rachel not in the swing and sit in time out and she try eat Henry!
Me: She tried to eat you so her mama put her in time out?
H: Uh HUH! Not nice!
Me: (trying not to laugh hysterically) That's right, it's not nice to try to eat our friends.

After I dropped Henry off for his nap, I left Kyle doing homework and went grocery shopping, which is always a joy. As I was unloading groceries, Henry got out of bed and opened his bedroom door all by himself and jumped out into the hallway and yelled "BOO!". Pretty cute. On his way out to class, Kyle dropped us off at the CSA pickup. We picked up all of our veggies and then went to the co-op for a treat and stopped by the park on our way home. I would have liked to let Henry stay at the park longer but it was approximately 750 degrees out so I cut the playtime short so I could get back inside. We've been good and not turned the air on yet, but I fear it won't be long. We had a good afternoon, too. Henry even sat on the potty for a minute to prolong his bedtime routine. Nothing happened, but still.

Oh boy, is Liz going to love me tomorrow. She gets to drop Adella off with Beth and I for 3 hours in the morning and I will bebearing gifts of yarn and veggies! We got a pretty nice CSA pickup today. The customary turnips and spinach, the last of the radishes, some broccoli and spring onions and then some really nice baby lettuce mix and some beets. I think we each got like 2 beets, but still. I think I am going to try to pickle the beets, radishes and turnips. And the whiteboard said that soon we'll have carrots and squash. Yay!


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