Thursday, June 15, 2006

Another day in the mountains...

Things have been pretty uneventful around these here parts. Yesterday Liz and Adella came over and the kids bounced in the house for a while. Kyle had class, so Henry and I walked to the co-op and to the bakery. Okay, WE didn't walk, I walked and pushed him in the stroller in what felt like 100 degrees. It felt good to get out and move around, though. We came home and took a bath together, which we haven't done in ages but Henry refused to get in unless I got in, too. It was actually fun. We splashed around and played with bubbles and dinosaurs. I then managed to complete what should be considered the Iron Man Triathalon of montherhood. I combed out the little dreads in the back of Henry's hair. I trimmed fingernails. I trimmed toenails. And for extra style points, I did it all without dispensing massive quantities of sugar. And the crowd goes wild!

We saw an amazing movie yesterday. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang with Robert Downey, Jr. (who I unabashedly adore) and Val Kilmer. It was hyesterical. It isn't a movie for everyone, the humor can get a little odd, but I think it is up in my Top 10 Most Favoritest Movies of All Time at the moment.

Tonight I get to go out! And someone is driving me, so I can even have a few drinks! Since Kyle's class eclipses my usual Monday night outing, I haven't gotten a chance to go anywhere in a while. I am excited. I am going to have to take my knitting, though, because I stocked my Hyena Cart Tuesday and I'm swamped now. Swamped with one notably difficult customer. I think she wants me to email her every night with a progress report. Pth.

We also have a postpartum party to go to this weekend. Our friends Amy and Brian just had a little wee boy, Luke. They didn't find out the gender ahead of time so they decided to have a shower-like-get-together after the baby was born so that people could shop accordingly. It sounded like a great idea when I got the invite, but now I am picturing her having all that company a week after the baby was born and I think she might be crazy. I broke into my new Malabrigo stash to knit Luke a teensy little sweater for the Fall. I am trying to figure out what to get for big sis Ava. She is super girly princess girl. I think I might give her that little knit rainbow bag with a couple of bendy fairies in it or something. We'll see.

Okay. I have to go get us dressed and pack a little bag. Kyle took the car today so we are going to walk down and meet some folks at the park nearby.


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