Friday, July 14, 2006

Well, we are officially "potty training". We are on day 3 of no dipes except at night and during naps, when Henry wears "night night undies" (aka Buzz Lightyear PullUps). So far he has peed on the kitchen floor once (thanks, little man, for avoiding the carpet) and he pooped in the grass outside last night. Other than that it has been all in the potty! He even managed to poop on the potty a little bit yesterday while we read books and sat for about a half hour. We have been completely bare assed, no dipes or undies or pants, so we'll see what happens when we try undies. Last time we tried he just peed right through them like he thought they were a diaper. Can I just tell you that Henry in the bathroom standing in front of the toilet on tippytoes peeing into it is pretty much the cutest thing ever in life? And hell, he already has better aim than his Daddy.

Today Kyle is participating in a focus group for some local group that is trying to push some ordinance through local government. I know nothing about it except that they want his opinion, they are buying him breakfast and lunch and paying him $150 for the day. I know he is going to try to sneak that money into a "new digital camera fund". Yeah, right. Anyway, his participation means that henry and I are stranded here all day. It is icky outside, too, so walking down to the bakery is out. BO-ring. I have a "to do" list about 10 miles long, but a lot of it requires the use of a vehicle. There seems to be so much to do before Henry's party tomorrow. I ahve to finish sewing his bellbottoms, put finishing touches on his vest, make some beaded necklaces, clean the house (for real), go grocery shopping for all of the food, make goody bags, wrap presents, make Dora undies, get paper products, etc., etc., ad nauseum. There is a 40% chance of thunderstorms tomorrow so cross your fingers that it holds off until nighttime or passes us right by.

We have a new addiction. Kyle somehow decided to start watchign The Wire, then talked me into watching it, and now we are both hopelessly addicted. I went out in my pjs at 10 last night to go get the next few episodes so we could take advantage of Henry sleeping time. It is so. good. And Jimmy McNulty is the hottest cop since Zach Morris decided to join NYPD Blue. We are about 3 episodes into the second season and I am already dreading when we catch up-the end of Season 3-and have to wait for Season 4 to start in real time. And now I am home all by my lonesome with a DVD of the next 2 episodes and 2 hours of naptime (it is definitely not something we can watch while Henry is awake). Kyle wouldn't mind if I jumped ahead, right?


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