Thursday, August 03, 2006

It's been a while.

Henry is half watching the Pooh Heffelump movie, half running back and forth across the living room, so I am going totry to break this down quickly before he starts hollering to play on the computer-his current obsession.

Potty training. It is going pretty well. He wore pants all day yesterday with no accidents and has been wearing shorts tonight with great success as well. He is still in a dipe at naptime and overnight, but other than that, while we're at home, he is dipeless. It is going to be a hard leap to take him out with undies on. I am terrified that he'll pee in the carseat. That would be a nightmare. But I guess we'll eventually have to take him out into public, huh? Maybe I'll just send him over to Liz's for co-op next week with undies on and let her deal with it (wink wink).

Business. Is busy. I have 2 packages all packed up and ready to hit the mail. They were supposed to go out this afternoon, but the printer is acting all wonky so I couldn't print out labels until it was too late. Pictures are below. Two pair are a replacement for some shorts that met an unfortunate end (going to Australia), and the others are going to Georgia. I guess they won't be using them for a while, since it about 8 million degrees out right now. I have 3 orders in line right now: A Jolly Roger going to England, another Jolly Roger and a monster going to Germany and a US pair with a Swedish flag on the bum. Am I international or what??? I have to do a hand dye for the Swedish flag blue, so I am going to tackle that after Henry goes down tonight. Hopefully. I think after I catch up I am going to close for a couple fo weeks to get some early bird Fall/Winter stuff instock. I have some ideas for Halloween and I'd like to get them done now. And I have another project on hold that I am dying to get back to. And Xmas knitting is coming up. Yikes!

House. Ehhhhhh. I ahve to call Julie tomorrow about MORE financial stuff. And I drove by the lot the other day after I ehard they broke ground and it is pretty damn depressing. Oh well. We'll see what happens. At this point, I would kill puppies for some closet space, so I'll take what I can get. We opened up our credit building account so at the very least we are repairing our credit, which is good even if the house doesn't work out for whatever reason.

Tomorrow night we are going to see The Rebelles. It is opening night and Henry is staying with Noah while we go out on the town. I have to stop and get Erica flowers or something on the way over, though I'm not even sure if we'll get a chance to see her after the show. I am going to want to zip out of there and get the bean. I am excited, though, it is going to be so much fun.

I am really ready for things to settle down around here, but I think we have a crazy couple of months ahead of us. If Henry really does start, what an adjustment that is going to be. I am already missing my mama friends and I haven't even started working yet! There are going to be new little babies squiggling all around and I am going to have to go back to stupid work. Pth.

TV. Ooooh, scandal on Project Runway. We are loving Stan Lee's Who Wants to be a Superhero and the new Alton Brown show about roadside eating. Who knew that Alton Brown was a motorcycle guy? I am managing to actually find Tommy Lee endearing on Supernova Rock Star so we KNOW I'm not getting enough sleep.

Okay. I should get back to work. I'm tiiiiiiiiired. Kyle is going to come home from his meeting at 9:30 and want to watch V for Vendetta. I really want to see it but I have the feeling I'm not going to last too long.


Blogger liz said...

hey amy!
thanks for... um, trusting me to watch henry while he's diaper-free.
don't worry - i'm sure he'll do fine!
(and if not, remind me to show you the really nice $600 handbraided wool rug that i picked out from l.l. bean to replace the one we have now! start saving - hee hee hee!)

see you soon-

7:28 PM  

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