Sunday, July 16, 2006

Phew! Thanksfully Henry woke up feeling much better yesterday morning so we decided to go ahead with the festivities.

I was a bad party mama and got next to no pictures of Henry's the party. I am relying on the kindness of more responsible parents who documented the affair better than I and hope to get some more pictures in the next week or so. What I do have is down there somewhere.

It was a lot of fun. I was super worried about the weather but it miraculously stopped raining and got sunny about 15 minutes before people showed up and stayed sunny until about 15 minutes after people left, when it started raining again. Thanks GrandMemere! The kids had a blast bouncing around in the house with balloons and jumping all over each other. It is another miracle that there were no major injuries with the amount of toddler energy expended in such a smll space. Henry made out like a bandit, present wise. Over the next few days I am going to ahve to sneak some of his old toys into the Wee Trade box to make room for all of the cool new stuff. Or maybe I should think about actually using the drawers in the bed I was so excited about when we bought it for toy storage.

Potty training continues to go fairly well. We tried undies today and he's just not there yet, but he's still doing great nekkid. I am going to try to give him a few more days of success before we move to the undies stage. One step at a time, baby. I'll just put him in Pull Ups when we go out and about. Knitting is over here tomorrow, so he can be a bare butted boy all day again.

Speaking of which, Mr. Barebutt is in desperate need of a bath. Off I go...


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