Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Well, I was feeling brave (and after consulting Liz and finding that she was feeling brave, too) we decided that Henry would go to co-op in undies today. Yikes! I had to wake the bean up at 7:30 to drive Kyle to his first day back at school and he was NOT having anything to do with undies, so we went commando under a pair of shorts. All was well on the car ride there, except for a brief panic when he started saying "It's coming out! It's coming out!". When I asked in my calmest voice what was coming out while frantically sniffing the air for signs of poo, he replied "the tiny baby in my belly". Whaaa???? I guess we've been hanging around too many pregnant ladies. All was well while we killed an hour at Target waiting for playgroup to start. When I told Liz he was in just shorts she looked a little scared, but I assured her that it would make it easier for him to pee in the potty since he's been having trouble getting his pants AND undies down resulting in much pee on his shirts and pants, even when he makes it to the toilet. What I didn't think of was the poop factor. I didn't think of it, in fact, until henry decided to take a nice big poo on Liz's kitchen floor. Thank (insert preferred diety's name here) that he wasn't standing on her new rug. It was really fun to clean up, and I was just glad that I was still there because really, I like Liz, and I want her to keep being our friend. I changed his pants (and washed his shoes) and crossed my fingers and went on my way.

While Henry was peeing all over everything Liz and Stig own, I got a big fat cup of coffee and tagged most of the stuff I am going to sell at the Wee Trade next week. I had to rummage through things I have been shoving into Henry's closet for the past year. Lincoln Logs that had too many pieces for me to handle? Check. Bristle Blocks that I impaled my foot on one too many times? Check. Hokey pokey Elmo? Double check. The blocks are staying, but the other stuff has to go. And I am finally going to pitch the torn up block books and Fisher Price Farm. They are too nasty to even donate.

When I got back to Liz's I noticed that Henry was sliding down the slide naked from the waist down. Not a good sign. Apparently he had pooped again (on the porch) and peed on both of his other pairs of shorts. In his defense, he tried to make it to the potty, but just didn't get there in time. While I was chatting with the mamas, Liz noticed a strange look on his face and I heard a meek "I need poooootty" before he pooped on the grass. He got really upset and cried that he wanted to poop in the potty, poor kid. But at least he's on his way. Hopefully as the days go on he'll learn to ask to go before it's too late. Either that or he is going to get booted right out of preschool next week. It would suck if I had to put off getting a job for another 6 months. Ha!

I have more to say, I know you are all waiting with baited breath (such a gross saying) to hear more, but I have to go get some work done while the beast sleeps.



Blogger liz said...

i just read your post again, and i am still cracking up.
ahhh.... the poop factor.

and - you MUST post the censored picture.


5:58 PM  

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