Saturday, January 28, 2006

Maaaaaaaan. I went through all the trouble of posting the below pictures in reverse order, so the last one in the sequence would actually show up below the others and it would go in the right order. It somehow got messed up so that the first and second pictures should be reversed. Ah well.

This has been such a crazy week I am burnt out. Brian called last night and said that they had a rough week, too, and their house was a disaster. Being the lovely and kind man that Kyle is, he offered to pick up Ava this morning and take the kids out hiking to give them time to pull their house back together. The only glitch in the plan is that, after hiking, Kyle is bringing the kids back here where Brain and Amy are meeting us for lunch. That means that instead of using this alone time to knit, I will be cleaning OUR disaster of a house (especially the bathroom, yuck) so that it is semi-fit for other people to see.

And off I go...


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