Friday, January 27, 2006

Quick, while he's in the bath!!!

Henry has been a little...erm...sensitive lately. I think it might be because we've been leaving him with other folks more. Tuesday was co-op and Wednesday we left him with Anthony, Jess and Noah while we went on a date. We went to see Capote. It was good, not great. Phillip Seymore Hoffman was amazing, as per usual, the pacing was just strange. It is a testament to the film, however, that-running on an average of 6 hours of (interupted) sleep a night this week-I didn't fall asleep while sitting in a dark room for 110 minutes.

When we went to pick the bean up, he was in the middle of a raousing game of "throw balls at each others' heads" with Noah. He ran out of Noah's room, saw us standing there, said "hi mama, hi daddy", and ran back into Noah's room like he didn't actually realize we'd been gone. The problems started when we got home at about 8:30. Two hours of screaming, flailing, clinging, begging and redepositing into bed later, Henry was blissfully asleep. No, going to bed later did NOT make him sleep late. Actually, it seems like the lack of sleep is reproducing. He has been taking short naps, going to bed late and waking up between 5-6. Ugh.

Because I am a masochist, I have begun on 2 new biz/knitting ventures. I have entered the Yarn Harlot's Knitting Olympics . I am going to do a pair of longies with cables up the sides of the legs and a Celtic knot on the bum. I am also opening an account with Hyena Cart, which is where all of the hoity toity longies people sell their stuff. I quit the co-op I was working with, so I thought I should get a different place to do in stock sales. Hyena cart is half the cost of the co-op and it gets mega traffic. AND a mama web designer I know is trying to build her Hyena Cart portfolio, so she is going to set everything up for me for free. Woot! So actually, these two things are related, as I will no doubt sell the fancy pants cabled longies on Hyena Cart. Or at least try to sell them there...

I am really stressing out about the math thing. I took another practice test this morning and got less than 50%. I can't force myself to study it, it is like my brain just shuts off. I am going to ahve to figure out a different way of looking at it, or a different way of thinking about it. I am at a standstill right now. I think I need a study partner or tutor. Kyle is really good at math, and he says he'll help me, but there always seems to be too much going on. I'll figure it out, it'll just take me a while.

OH! Did I tell you that I spent my GAP gift certificate? Yup. I went shopping. Let me tell you, money doesn't go very far at the GAP. I got a pair of jeans. Me! Jeans! They are the Curvy ones, so since they know we can't find jeans that fit anywhere else, they make them more expensive. I also got 2 t-shirts and 1 long sleeved t-shirt with a split collar that was on sale for $6. I got $3 back. Wowza. I guess I'm used to shopping at Target so I have no idea what clothes cost at a store that doesn't also sell bread and small electronics. I am loving the jeans, though. It is nice to feel cute once in a while. When we get our tax return check I am going to go buy another pair.

I have to take Henry out of the bath now. He is going to be pissed. It's time for a nap. I predict a 15 minute wrestling match to get him dressed and then another 10 minutes to force him into his car seat so I can drive around for a half hour to get him to fall asleep. 1....2...3...go.


Blogger jaylam19 said...

Hey! So weird because I can do math like a madman and I would go braindead during stupid reading comp exams. We must have split the genes! Let me know if i can help. -J

12:21 PM  

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