Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I finally bit the bullet and went to see the doctor about my weird nose bump this afternoon. I have been putting it off because, well, to be honest, our doctor is a hottie and last time I went it was for a bald patch, now a nose's just embarassing. I was also afraid he would say "It's a pimple you freakish hypocondriac, get over it!". He didn't say that. I kinda wish he would have said that. He said he didn't like the way that it looked. He then stuck a needle into the side of my nose (which he said wouldn't hurt any more than a bee sting-big fat liar) and cut the bump off with a razor blade type thing while Henry kept saying "Mama, he cut your nose off? He cut it off?". He put the bump into a little cup full of clear liquid and is sending it off to the pathology lab to find out if it is skin cancer. We should know Monday. If it is skin cancer, I'll have to go get the skin around the bump cut out to make sure they get it all and then, in theory, I should be fine. Scarred for life, but fine. No big deal, right? RIGHT? There is also a good chance it could be just a non-cancerous skin abnormality in which case we'd just have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't come back. I can't touch the area where the bump used to be, and am supposed to try to keep it super clean, so I am sporting a super awesome Dora the Explorer Band Aid across my nose. I am so freaking cool that it actually hurts a little...


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