Thursday, August 10, 2006

We tackled another first today...drumroll...the dentist! I was freaking out because I hate going to the dentist, and I naturally assumed that Henry would not be cooperative since he won't let me brush his teeth. In the stack of forms I had to sign there was s sheet with a list of some of the techniques they sometimes have to employ for uncooperative children. Demonstrating what they are going to do on a doll. Holding their hands. Pinning their upper body down. Rubber device to keep mouth open. Baby stright jacket (they call it a "Papoose" but that didn't fool me). As soon as we walked back from the waiting room into the back of the office we heard the unmistakable sound of a small child going absolutely apeshit. Screaming. *shudder* When they were getting their things ready I asked Henry if he remembered how I laid on the table at Dr. Rob's yesterday, and he did, so I told him he was going to do that so they could look at his teeth. He laid right down and picked out some cherry toothpaste and let the hygenist count and clean his teeth with nary a peep. He even let her floss! WTF? I've gotten kicked in the face for less! When the dentist came in, Henry laid back down and opened his mouth without even being asked!!! I think they were smart to put the balloons in the hallway on the way down to the exam rooms so they know they'll get one one the way out. I can't believe how awesome he did. I was so proud of him.

After we were done at the dentist we stopped at the grocery store to pick up our customary potluck offering of hommos and pita chips for playgroup. Henry kept complaining that he was hungry, so I got him a drinkable yogurt (which I'm sure the dentist would have love to see-it's like when I put a baseball cap on after a haircut when I was a kid) to drink on the way to the park so he wouldn't be a big grouch. He was indeed hungry. So hungry that he drank that sucker down in about 1 minute flat. All was well until the last sip, which must have gone down wrong. Henry gave a couple of tiny coughs and then...we saw all the yogurt again. All down his front. All over the carseat. In the buckles and straps. As we were getting dressed this morning I decided to take a break in the potty training and just put him in a dipe since we'd be running around all morning and I didn't want him to pee in the carseat. This? SO much worse than pee. I made a pitstop at home and cleaned it up as best I could without taking it out and changed the little man's clothes. Then back into teh car and off to the park. Did I mention that it's like 90 degrees here? Not the best situation for regurgitated dairy products on car seats. I can't take the seat out and wash it until after we pick up Kyle from work so it has time to dry out. So gross.

I need to go find some chocolate.


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