Tuesday, February 07, 2006

* Henry and Kyle are sick. No fun. We missed knitting yesterday and we are currently missing my beloved co-op right now. I want my 3 hours, dammit! Ah well. I am bound and determined to have a fun day, but Henry is getting stir crazy. I am about to break out the big guns...glitter glue.

* My neighbor Gladys (of course her name is Gladys) keeps coming to my door with big bags of pecans from her sister's pecan tree for us. She is sweet as pie, but along with the pecans comes a request for us to attend her Baptist church ("the preachin' starts at 11") and a little piece of paper telling me that I am a sinner and I must repent. Dear Gladys, all the pecans in the world aren't getting me one inch closer to that Baptist church. When I told her that we probably wouldn't be going, she asked me if we were going to a different church. I tried to break it to her gently that we weren't church type people, but she just looked at me like she felt badly that poor little Henry was going to burn in Hell and told me about their excellent childcare. Pth.

* Okay, it is an hour and change later. Glitter glue? Is Satan's plaything. There is glitter all over everything I own. Henry looks like Ziggy Stardust.

* I came in here to check my email (I heard the unmistakable 'ping' of incoming mail from the next room) and left Henry at his table with crayons. He came in with a sticker book asking me to take a sticker off for him. I did so, he said thank you, and then went right outside the door, laid down on the floor and went to sleep. He's just laying there on the floor sleeping. Weird.

* I am paranoid about the new storefront. I want it to be the perfect grand opening and I'm afraid no one is going to care. I am going to be like the super unpopular girl waiting to be asked to the 8th grade dance. *sigh* I also wish I knew some html so I could go in and futz with it. But that would be all sorts of bad. Must. Not. Futz. With. Code... I need to take advantage of this sunny day to go get some pictures of my shtuff outside. It looks so much cuter on a baby, but Henry refuses to be my little supermodel.

* I volunteered to knit a pair of shories/longies a month for a group who gives them away to mamas in need. The bad: I have no time, especially trying to amass an instock store. The good: I just got an email from a mama in tears telling me how much I rock. That's kind of cool. Also? One of the other knitters for the group has a connection to wholesale, hand dyed Uraguan merino wool. She offered to cut us in. For about 75 cents more than I buy my regular wool for. Ummmm...*pees pants with excitement* Go take a look at my preeeeciiiiioooooouuuuuus... Kyle was much less excited than I was. Probably because our little bedroom cubby overfloweth with yarn. But not kettle dyed, Uraguan merino wool. Preeeeetty.

* The woman who is sponsoring the Knit Olympics is the same woman who wrote that little "You knit too much" book mama got me for Xmas. She so funny.

* We kicked all different shades of ass at trivia last night. Yup.

* Erica made the Rebelles!!! They are having their first show on March 8th. We are SO getting a sitter an dgoing to see her burlesque debut. Yay!

* I should really scoop Henry up off the floor, put him in bed and finish the goldfish pants I am working on.

* Kbye.


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