Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ahhhhh...back home safe and sound.

The flights home were pretty uneventful. Henry loved "crazy ball" and "Hs", 2 toys purchased for in flight entertainment at the cool NoHo toy store. Crazy Ball is a Koosh-like square ball thing with floppy rubber tentacles coming out on all sides. It kept Henry occupied for a long time, but he kept wanting me to squeeze it and every time I did, Crazy Ball's space age material secreted some sort of icky powder, kind of like the inside of a latex glove, that made my hands feel absolutely disgusting. He didn't seem to mind. Only once did Crazy Ball go flying into another passenger's lap, but the guy was very cool about it. The cuteness of Henry can soothe the most savage of impatient airline passengers. Since I forgot to being diapers (DOH!) I had to scour the newsstands at 3 different Charlotte Airport terminals before finding severely overpriced single diapers. Well, at least Henry didn't pee on the seat this time.

Since I know you are all waiting with baited breath for the happy ending to the yarn saga, I will update. The database closed Monday night and the first fill list came in while Henry and I were out playing with Noah and Jess. I missed the first good fill, but there was only one color that I missed out on that I really wanted anyway. I have for sure: 5 Stonechat, 2 Dusty Olive, 4 Oceanos, 7 Cuacao, 2 Velvet Grapes, and 5 Forest. 6 of those are for Liz. I am fairly confident I will also get: 2-4 Lettuce (I am willing to pick a couple more of these up to make sure it fills), and 4 chocolate. I am tempted to pick up a couple of Sapphire Green as well. We shall see.

We are in deserate need of a trip to the grocery store. "What?", you might ask,"Kyle didn't go grocery shopping yesterday to make sure you came home to a fully stocked cupboard and fridge?". The living room was all clean and vaccumed, though. Henry took care of that in about 5 minutes this morning and it is now back to its usual state of disaster.

I'm tired.


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