Thursday, March 09, 2006

Scenes from The West End Bakery:

Me: (standing in line waiting for my triple mocha to try to get some energy after being awoken at 3:30am with the demand that I sleep in Henrys bed) Honey, please get your nose off the glass.

Henry: (with nose still on the glass, pointing to a big cinnamon roll) Dis, please.

Me: (not wanting to argue about it) Okay, baby, you can ahve that but we won't eat it all right now.

Later at the table...

Henry: (pointing to cinnamon roll) What dis?

Me: Ci-nna-mon Rolll

Henry (pointing to my muffin) What dis?

Me: Muffin.

Henry: (pointing to my muffin) Dis nuffin!

Me: Yup, that's Mama's muffin.

Henry: (pointing to his cinnamon roll) Dis rock n roll!

Me: (is dead from the cute)


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