Monday, April 17, 2006

Here I am, posting from sunny Florida. I can see the waves breaking from where I sit, inside, on such a lovely day. The sad truth is- a person can only take so much sun. Henry is a gorgeous shade of golden brown, but the rest of us haven't fared so well. We are super good about lathering the bean up and down with sunscreen, but we don't care so much for ourselves. I am doing alright because 1. I don't really like being out in the sun so it is easy for me to limit my exposure and 2. I don't tan. I burn and then go back to that beautiful shade of Conan O'Brien. I feel like I have a little bit of color, but I look positively pale when put next to any of the Kett clan. Kyle has by far the most entertaining coloring. He went jet skiing yesterday and since he was only out for an hour he saw no need to bother with the un block. From his feet to his knee (only on the front of his leg), from his hand to just above the elbow (only on the top of his arm) and his neck are bright lobster red. The rest of him is fairly white. He looks like he got in some sort of bizarre egg dying accident. It's totally hot.

We have been having a great time running around on the island, basically going from beach to pool to golf cart and inside to eat and watch too much tv for the weather. I must admit I am starting to get a little stir crazy. Like I said, I am not a huge sun fan, so there is only so much to do on this island. I was itching to take the ferry and go to the store, but when Kyle realized that all I was going to buy was a huge bag of Lay's Baked Ruffle potato chips, he nixed the idea. Maybe tomorrow.

Sally and Dick are coming over for dinner tonight. They are impossibley cool people, so I can't wait. They are old Frisco hippies who got rich somehow, I can't remember how, though. I know Sally used to be an actress. She dated Paul Newman's son, which makes her near royalty as far as I'm concerned. She is an Oscar voter, so she always lets us watch the advanced copies of movies that she gets. Like I said-way too cool for school. I'm looking forward to seeing them this evening.

Meanwhile, I have finished a pair of monkey shorts, a pair of custom monster shorts and am halfway through a pair of "Roanoke Gold" Malabrigo shorts to go with a little monkey t shirt. I think I should score a trip off island to go to the post office pretty soon. I can't wait to mail everything until we get back. Too bad I forgot my postal scale. I'll have to guess high on the weights and hope they fly.

Okay, I should finish this up before I get booted off the computer. Did I not mention the bane of my island existance? Two words: Dial. Up. Sheesh.


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