Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Well I just finished a pair of pants, so I thought I'd give myself a break and update. Not that anything exciting is going on. It's not.

I managed to get Henry down for an early nap, so he should be waking up just in time for Noah to come over and hang out with us while his folks go through the inspection on their new house. I am hoping they don't find anything too big, there is already enough to be done on it. Henry will be happy to see him and I think it is nice enough to let the little maniacs loose in the backyard.

I found out last night that we got a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) spot at Green Toe Groun Farm, that is pretty exciting. We are splitting a share with some friends, so it won't bee too expensive, and we will be able to look forward to a big old box of organic veggies every week. They drop off at the co-op down the street, so it should be really convenient, too. I have been thinking that I should really get into cooking a little bit. Maybe this will inspire me since we'll have to come up with ways to use all of the produce. I am excited.

I am tired. I don't know why, but it seems like I just can't get enough sleep lately. Maybe it is because Henry has started waking up in the night again. The last 3 nights in a row he has woken up at least once. He wants me to come in and sleep in his bed with him. I wouldn't mind it once in a while, it is actually nice and snuggly, but you can't just do it once in a while. Pth. I am going to be in bed by 8 tonight.

Ooooh, I think I hear the pitter patter of little feet...


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