Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I don't want Henry to go to school. Up until this point I have been hanging on by a thread because I thought he was only going to go for 3 days a week. Now it looks like they want him to go full time. The teacher said that if he went 3 days a week it would be really difficult for his to readjust every time he went back. *SOB* I don't want him to go full time! And I don't want to work full time! I was talking to Liz about how much it was going to suck that we weren't going to see them much anymore (she works weekends...for now...mwahahaha) but that it would be okay because he would have lots of holidays and vacations and we'd see them then. Then it hit me. HE and KYLE will have lots of holidays and vacations. I'll have to go to WORK! Wha??? Now I am torn between getting a good full time job that will give me benefits or just temping for a while so I can take time off whenever I want it. Ugh.

They also want him to get the chicken pox vaccine. I don't want him to have that. The whole thing is so incredibly assinine. Let's take a disease that is relatively harmless in childhood but seriously dangerous in later years. Let's give children temporary immunity so we don't have to take time off work to take care of them when they are mildly sick as kids and leave them completely open to getting it later in life, when it is actually life threatening. That sounds like a GREAT idea! I need to find a way around it. I may be able to use a religious expemtion letter saying we just converted, but I don't know. These are people Kyle works with, so that may not work. DAMN! I reall don't want him to have that vax. Maybe I can find some chicken pox before our 30 days are up. Now I really wish I had rubbed Henry on Auntie K's shingles...

I am actually supposed to be getting work done right now. And I am supposed to be shopping for clothes, since I have been wearing my new yoga pants every day for the past week. But I am so overwhelmed by my list that I am stuck.



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