Thursday, December 21, 2006


Henry just woke up from his nap. Of course the first thing I did was ask him how he felt. "Good". I have my suspicions that, were he currently undergoing Chinese water torture and I asked him how he was feeling, he would still say "good", so I did the super accurate mama's-lips-to-forehead test. His forehead was delightfully cool, even after being under the covers. A quick underarm test with the brand spankin' new Spongebob Squarepants thermometer (the ear ones were $50!!!) confirmed a "normal" temperature of 99.2-underarm "average" temps linger around 99.6 (according to the thermometer insert), so we're good. I will take it again before he goes to bed and before he gets his flu/cough medicine cocktail and see what we get. He also ate a good breakfast and a big bowl of oatmeal for lunch, so his appetite seems fine.

From the other room I just heard-

(random plastic sound)
Kyle: What're you doing Henry?
Henry: I'm breaking this.
Kyle: Oh.

Yup. It is shaping up to be a run of the mill day in the Kett house. Yay!

Oh, also a little PSA. In the coming days please stay as far away from Target as humanly possible. I went there to fill Henry's second ThermaFlu prescription this afternoon and decided to wander around and buy some crap we don't need while they were finishing it up. The toy aisle was like Lord of the Flies. Dozens of parents shoving each others' shopping carts out of the way to get to various "must have" toys. Scary. It took me almost 20 minutes just to get out of the parking lot. I hate to think of what Wal-mart must look like right about now. *shudder*


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