Wednesday, December 06, 2006

It's official-I'm and aunt!!! Samuel Frederick LaMonde was born at 3:02 this morning. He is 9lbs. 10oz. and 23" long, holy big baby! In eerily related news, Henry woke up at 3:00 this morning to ask me to come lay with him. He hasn't woken up in the middle of the night in about 6 months. It's the psychic cousin connection or something. It is taking all of self control not to hop on the next flight to Burlington. Well, self control and the $883 it would take to get me there...but I can't wait to meet SAM!

Me and the third grade teacher I've been working with presented the Billy Jonas idea to the principal this afternoon. It went much better than I thought and she is actually excited about the prospect of bringing Billy into the school. Now we just have to figure out the money. Billy's agent gave us an initial quote that might be just a tad too high without some creative grant writing. I might have to break it down into 2 grants, write them seperately and hope for the best. We'll see what happens. As of now we have a tentative agreement with the principal, tentative funding and a tentative date of May 10.

Knitting is going...well, it's going. I am down to 6 pairs left to be all caught up and I have people breathing down my neck as the holidays creep ever closer. I should actually be knitting right now.

So off I go.


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