Saturday, October 28, 2006

I had a little "bad mama" moment yesterday morning that I'd like to share with the class. I know! Me! Perfect mothering personified! See, it really can happen to anyone. Anyway...

Thursday night at about 9pm Kyle informed me that the kids at the preschool were trick or treating around the high school the NEXT DAY. Thanks for the notice, champ! Henry's chicken robot costume had taken some damage on the ride home from Ada's birthday/Halloween party and so some pieces needed to be glued back on. I went back and forth about even sending the costume because it is such a pain, but Kyle said he'd go down and help Henry get in and out of it and he really seemed to want to show it off so I agreed. Right before I fell asleep on the couch. Yesterday morning I woke up and remembered that I still had to fix the costume in addition to the usual running around routine before work. I grabbed the costume and started hot glueing the parts back on while Kyle got Henry up. Of course, halfway through, Henry had some sort of a breakdown about me taking him to the potty so I did. And forgot about the hot glue gun. See where this is going? Henry came out of teh potty and, while I was searching for his shoes, grabbed onto the 8 gajillion degree tip of the hot glue gun. It got glue all over his little fingers that I had to peel off. He started saying "It's hot! Help me cool it down! Help me make it colder!". Poor kid. After we iced it for a few minutes and got a cookie monster band aid he calmed down an was alright, but he has burn blisters on his thumb and middle finger. BAD MAMA! He has been insisting that his fingers don't hurt anymore, but I still feel like the Queen Asshole for leaving a hot glue gun plugged in where he could get to it. That is like Parenting 101.

There is a big fiber fair at teh Ag Center today. They have all types of fiber and yarn and even the animals that the yarn comes from. I thought about going, but it would be no fun by myself. LIZ! Why do you have to work? While you spend all day giving pills to old people we could be out fondling alpaca! *sigh* Such is life in the working class world, huh? It would probably just be frustrating since we couldn't afford to buy any of that fancy pants yarn anyway.

Ooooh, Kyle just came back from visiting our neighbor who just got back from vacation (the older Baptist woman who he always talks religion with) and she brought us 2 boxes of chocolate and a bag of sweet potatoes. Yes, sweet potatoes are a strange thing to bring back from vacation, but whatever. I feel bad because I don't enjoy talking Bible with her like Kyle does. She is super duper nice, but I always get the tiny feeling that she has befriended us to try to save Henry's soul.

Oh look, it's Billy Jonas signing Henry's tshirt. Thanks Blogger!


Blogger liz said...


how could i have not known about this? i wanna go!!!!!

of course it is too late now, and i have no money anyway, but we should have been there.

i'm going to go pout now...

oh - and bad mama, don't feel too bad. a while back, my genius hubby left the iron on for OVER 24 HOURS and then adella grabbed it. while i was lunging for it, i knocked it right into a bucket of water, which the iron was stupidly perched on top of. (i know, WTF??)
not only could adella have been terribly burned, she could have been electrocuted, and our house burned down too.
see? we all have our moments.
except i'm not owning that one - that was all stig.

4:10 PM  

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