Thursday, September 28, 2006

I have an interview today at an elementary school on the other side of town, so round about 2:00 today get those fingers crossed. It is for a halftime position, so the money will really suck, but it will get my foot in the door in the district and it will be perfecr for when I start school. I have another interview at a different school next Tuesday morning.

Unfortunately, even in my unemployed status, I have not managed to keep this house remotely clean. I have dishes and laundry to do and 'clean out the fridge' has been on my to do list for weeks now. I just don't wanna. Since I have been so busy with knitting I have been able to put house cleaning off, but it is starting to bother me now. And I am even busier than before. Oops. Luckily, the impending parental visit will be a good eventual impetus for me to get this place into shape, even though I know they couldn't really care what house my state is in as long as we're in it. They're good like that.

Henry has his first pep rally today. That should be exciting. This morning was a little bit rough since Kyle has been taking him to school all week. He didn't want to let me leave. I had finally gotten him settled and was heading out when they had a fire drill. Sheesh. So I had to take him outside for that and stand with him and then get him back inside and settled down all over again. I didn't get out of there until almost 9. I can't believe it is already afternoon.



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