Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Well, after a busy 36 hours, Jess has a new baby boy! Ethan Asher came into this world at a little after 2pm yesterday weighing in at 7lbs. 4oz.

I got a call at about 12:30am on Monday night/Tuesday morning saying that Jess was ready to go to the hospital. In my sleep induced state, I agreed to let them drop Noah off instead of insisting that they stay right there and wait for me to just come and crash with Noah at their place. I feel badly that they had to drive over here before they went to the hospital, I should have gone over there. Anyway, they dropped Noah off a little after 1am and Noah settled right down and went back to sleep.

We were up at about 6:30 and I got Henry ready to go and sent him off to school with Kyle. I wet my hair really quick (I had an interview at 9am so I needed to get rid of bedhead) and got dressed for my interview. At a little before 8, I woke Noah up and got him some breakfast and got him dressed. We ran over to Liz's house, who took Noah to co-op so I could go to my interview at 9.

The interview sucked. I don't think that temping is for me. I don't have enough computer skills to qualify for any of the better jobs, so I'd be stuck punching numbers into a spreadsheet for 8 hours a day. No thanks. I am going to wait it out a little while longer for something that won't make me poke my own eyeballs out.

I got out of the interview at 11 and went to grab a huge cup of coffee and meet Liz and Noah at co-op at April's house, which is so big and beautiful that I think I might have actually turned a little green. At about 11:30, Anthony called and said they were prepping Jess for a c-section. I hung out at co-op until noon and then Noah and I headed over to the bookstore to play wtih the big train table. I wanted a bagel from Starbucks, so I chanced it and went to Barnes and Noble. The train table was void of trains. Oops. Noah was happy to sit at the table and eat lunch and play with all of the Cars books that make obnoxious noises, so we did that for a while. When that got boring, we decided to go trade cars with Kyle and pick up Henry from school. When we got there, Henry was still napping, so we went outside and poked around in the garden and looked for ladybugs until he woke up.

I loaded both of the boys into the van and took them back to our house, where they ran around like maniacs for the next hour or so. Anthony called at a little before 4 saying that Ethan had been born and everyone was happy and well and doing great in recovery. Yay! We gave Noah some dinner and Anthony picked him at about 6:30 to go home and sleep in his own bed. And I think I am going to get to go see the happy mama and babe at the hospital sometime this morning. They were supposed to get her up to walk early this morning, so I am going to call up in an hour or so and see if I can bring her some coffee and non-hospital food.

Welcome to this wide and wonderful world, Ethan!!!


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