Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The worst thing about not updating every day is that the intended post gets longer and longer and then I just don't feel like doing it because it is such a long post, so I put it off and the vicious cycle continues. SO this will be a nutshell post as Henry watches his before bedtime Dora.

Henry is still loving school. He pooped in his undies yesterday which set me on a path of worry that he was going to be "that kid", but he did fine today. As I was walking him up the driveway to the school he started saying "Mommy don't go away" over and over, but I stayed with him until it was his turn on the computer and then he forgot I existed once more. I went to the bakery and worked on the book for a couple of hours over a big ole cup of coffee and a raspberry chocolate chip muffin (being out of work should do wonders for my fat butt). I am through Whoopi and halfway through Dave Chappelle. Woot. Then I came home and sent an email to a principal with an opening and poked around looking for other job openings to no avail. Luckily, Liz called and gave me a reason to get to the yarn store and go to her place and get some knitting done. I am so buried underneath custom orders it isn't even funny. I picked the boys up at school (and dragged Henry off the playground much to his dismay) and we went and got dinner and went to find me some "big girl shoes" just in case I do ever manage to score and interview for a job in the near future.

Okay, it is now the next morning, since I saved that last night. I just finished creating a blog for Crankypants. We'll see how that goes. I need someone to go and post about it on diapering boards, but I'm too much of a chicken to do it myself.

I need some breakfast. And I need to work on the book. Bakery-here I come!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what book? fill a sister in (if I didn't miss something, which is very possible)

6:38 PM  
Blogger KidTaster said...

Ah, my friend Bambi who teaches at U of M wrote a book about African American comedic crossover and I am indexing it for her. It is allowing me to not freak out about not getting a "real" job for the next month or so while we adjust to the new schedule and pay for Henry's school. :)

10:46 AM  

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