Sunday, August 20, 2006

*deep breath*

Henry is going to school tomorrow.

I made little iron on nametags for his extra clothes and I have to write his name in his extra undies, cup, and other stuff. I went to the fabric store and found this:

Dora and Boots going to school fabric to make him a little pillow for naptime. I have to do that sometime today, too. I also have to copy his insurance card.

I took this awful picture of Henry on his motorcycle for my Papa's office, but by the time I could get it moved outside for a better picture Henry was done cooperating. And now it is raining outside. Pth.

I'll get a better one if the weather breaks.

We got up this morning and got all ready to go to Graveyard Fields to go on a blueberry picking adventure, but by the time we got halfway there it started pouring. Henry is kind of happy because now he gets to stay home and play with his new toys. Kyle's friend Herman moved yesterday and in addition to the 50+ Hotwheels cars he gave Henry:

He also gave him this:

Can you tell if Henry likes it or not? Hmmm...Though I think that Kyle is getting a little tired of playing cars.

The 1/2 off sale at the Wee Trade starts at noon today so I am going to try to get there right when the doors open and see if I can score some deals. Henry could still use a few more clothes. Then we have a potluck party at our friend Fyffe's house at 4. Busy day.


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