Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Phew! Liz took Henry for a while this morning and let me run some errands. Yay Liz! In one tiny little hour and change I got to cross several things off of my list. I dropped off all of our Wee Trade stuff and picked up my passes for tomorrow night. I dropped off Henry's medical form at Dr. Rob's office. They wouldn't just fill it out while I was there, they want me to go back and pick it up. That wouldn't be a big deal, but it is about a 25 minute drive out there. When I just got home there was a message on my machine from a few hours ago saying that it was ready for me to pick up. *sigh* I don't know whether to be impressed by their speediness or irritated that they just wouldn't let me wait for it so I didn't have to haul my butt all the way back over there to pick it up. I also got to run to the post office which means: 1. I shipped my second to last order on my customs list. 2. Auntie K should check her mail in a few days. 3. I sent in my preliminary application for grad. school. Yikes!

Poop and pee update: Henry asked Liz for help and peed and pooped TWO times at her house! Go Henry! He had some cool stickers when I went to pick him up. Little man is doing such a good job. Now we just have to work on the wiping thing.

Okay. I swore I wouldn't waste my nap break online, so I am going to go get work done. You will be happy to know that Liz took some cute pictures of the kids today so as soon as she sends them to me I'll post them. My family thanks you, Liz.


Blogger KidTaster said...

Henry IS so big! The undies thing does make him look bigger, but I think he hit a little spurt. All of a sudden none of his clothes fit and he actually wants to eat once in a while ;)

Yeah, thanks again, Liz!

11:31 AM  

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