Friday, August 25, 2006

Finally! I ahve been trying to get in to update for a while and it kept saying "No Data" or something like that. In addition to my lack of email access while the stupid server is down and having no little kids and moms running around, I was starting to feel a little "Mama in Exhile".

They are having the insulation redone upstairs, so there is a big truck with a giant tube out front and lots of noise. It's a good thing I went to the bakery to work. I can tune out little kid noise like nobody's business, but this noise would have bothered me. I finished the rough indexing of the book! Now all I haver to do it format the index and then go back through and double check everythign and I will be done. And Bam said that I am going to get a credit in the book. How fancy am I?

Henry had a little bit of a rough morning today. He started melting down over a tiny thing (having to put pants on) and I knew he had some stress that was starting to come out sideways from all of the big changed around here. I held him and just let him cry for a little while and he pulled himself together, but it made me sad to know he has some built up feelings in there. We are going to have a big family weekend starting tonight, so hopefully a little together time and extra attention will do him good. Tonight we are all going to the AHS football game. There are plans to grill out and tailgate beforehand. I know "tailgate" in this instance means "All the men stand around and poke meat with a stick while Amy chases Henry around and makes sure he doesn't get run over by a car", but it should be fun anyway. Tomorrow we are going to Henry's friend Ava's 3rd birthday party and camping out in Old Fort. It should be a really good time. I am looking forward to spending some time with Amy and Brian (Ava's folks).

Okay. I need to be productive. I need to clean a bit and get a bunch of knitting done. Later gators.


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