Friday, September 15, 2006

We just got back from an awesome morning spent with Liz and Adella. We did some arts and crafts and it was super much fun.

Henry fell asleep in the car on the way home (thankfully) and this is what I found when I opened up the back van door.

I know it is a choking hazard, but I thought it was funny anyway (since he had clearly not been harmed in any way by the pretzel). It actually took me a minute to pry it out from between his little jaws.

We have had a fun week with Papa this week and Nana is coming in tonight. We are supposed to go have a picnic tonight since it is the first nice day in quite a while. The granparents are staying the weekend and then they continue their journey down to FL.

They are leaving behind the Astrovan, though! Yay! We will once again be a 2 car family! The thought of having 2 cars boggles the mind. We have become so accustomed to sharing. It will be nice to not have to drive Kyle to work some days, though. Some days I am sure I will miss dropping Henry off and picking him up from school. I might do it once in a while anyway, just so I can touch base with his teachers and whatnot. I wonder how he'll react to having Kyle drop him off instead of me. *sniff sniff* I am going to see him less and less!

In other news, I ahve a meeting with the MHO guy on Tuesday morning and it seems to be that everything is in line for us moving into a house in November. Woot! I need to bring some paperwork with me, but I think everything will be okay. Knock on wood.

Okay. I should get some work done before the beast awakens.


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