Friday, December 15, 2006

Shoot me now.

It seems that instead of the flu actually going away (like it would no doubt do with anyone else) it seems that my precious bug is simply morphing into something else. I still fell like I ahve a low grade fever, but now that the body aches and chils have gone away they have been replaced by an unbearable sore throat and chest rattling cough. My head and chest are congested beyond al reason and my throat hurts more than I thought possible. The pain starts deep down in my lungs and continues all the way up to my ears. My throat is soooo swollen. At first I thought it was just because of all the coughing, but now I'm not so sure. I am going to try to get in to the doc this morning to make sure I shoudn't be on antibiotics for anything. I just hope I can go back to work on Monday. Taking a whole week off was bad enough. And poor Henry is beginning to forget what it's like to have a mother. Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

Kyle's folks are in town and talking about going to 12 Bones today-my favorite, favorite rib place ever. I think I am going to ask them to bring me home something. I really don't feel like sitting somewhere and eating. I really don't feel like being concious, but that can't be helped right now. I actually got up with Henry today for the first time all week. I think he is starting to get tired of me asking him if he feels okay. I got him a prescription for Tamifu yesterday, which is supposed to be a preventative, and he started taking it. It seems like it must taste pretty gross from the look on his face. I just want to make absolutely sure that he doesn't get this nonsense.


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