Monday, December 11, 2006

I called in sick to work today so I have time for a little update. Yesterday I felt crappy and then all of a sudden last night I got hit with a horrible headache. It was an awful throbbing in my temples and behind my eyes. Henry wanted me to read him a book before bed so I did my best, but halfway through How the Grinch Stole Christmas I had to have Kyle take over so I could go throw up. Fun! I went to bed at 9:30 and woke up this morning with the headache still lingering. It isn't as bad as it was last night, but I called in as a preemptive strike. I could see myself running from a third grade classroom to find a staff bathroom to get sick in. I don't get paid enough to take that risk.

We were sitting on the couch watching America's Funniest Home Videos last night and one of Santa came on. Henry yelled "It's SANTA!!!". I thought about how we hadn't done our Santa pictures this year because I was worried that Henry would freak out and not want to do it, so I asked "DO you want to go see Santa?", to which he replied "Yeah". A few minutes later he went-stocking feet, jammies, 23 degrees outside- and openened the kitchen door. I asked him where he was going. "To see Santa". Duh. He took it pretty well that we couldn't go right that minute. I was going to take him today but I don't know if I'm going to be up for it. We'll have to see.

I am down to 4 pairs of pants left. Woo! I finished the snowflake set on Saturday but I haven't gotten a picture yet. I will do that today. Now I have one skull and bones, one monster and 2 Dead pairs left.

The Ketts got an offer on the house last week so they were scheduled to ahve a home inspection today. Friday the realtor went up to turn on the heat and vaccuum and whatnot and found that a pipe had burst and flooded the finished basement/garage. Niiiiice. Kyle was up there all weekend getting it taken care of. They had someone come in to rip out the carpet (that they just put in 3 weeks ago) but all of the ceiling tiles (drop ceiling) had to be replaced and some other clean up had to be done. Poor guy.

It looks like Billy Jonas might just work out. We have a tentative date and time, now we just need the money stuff to work out. We need to get our grant in and get approval for $250 from the PTO. I. Can't. Wait.

Kyle is throwing a baby shower for one of his students on Friday. She is a 9th grade special ed. student. I can't wrap my brain around that. I am going to go and get her a few things, but we don't have a ton of disposable income right now. I have an apple hat I am going to give her, Kyle thinks she'll really like it, and a big package of dipes from Sam's. She is having a girl and all of my friends whose babies are just getting ready to outgrow their newborn stuff have boys. We'll see what happens. It is hard enough being a first time mom when you are an adult and have what you need. I think she has a grandmother who is helping her out, but jeez. How difficult is that going to be?

Okay. I'm off to eat some toast and sit with a blankie and knit for a while. What a crappy time to be sick. I'm too BUSY to be sick, dammit! Or as Henry says "I'm too dizzy to do that". Yeah. He's the cutest thing ever. Oooh, now that there is a squishy baby in the family I guess I'll have to amend statements like that. He's the cutest 3 year old ever. :)


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