Saturday, January 07, 2006

So I almost killed somebody today. No, really.

I was driving down Patton Ave., which is a busy 4-6 (depending on what part you are on) lane divided highway. A kid must have gotten nabbed stealing something from one of the stores on the other side of the road because as I was driving along I saw him booking up the street being chased by another man. At first I thought it was just a couple of kids messing around. Then the kid dashed across an intersection and straight across 3 lanes of (luckily stopped) traffic. As I was approaching, he darted out onto the median. He literally had one foot off the curb as I passed him, and he jerked back at the last second. I seriously thought I was going to slam right into him. I looked into the rear view mirror and the guy who had been chasing him was holding him by the jacket as a cop car approached. So that was the most exciting part of my day...unless you count the hillbilly free for all that is Super Walmart on a Saturday afternoon. Yikes!

Our friend Mark is making the drive from Maryland to Texas this weekend, so he is making a stopover here for the night. We are anxiously awaiting his arrival. Henry decided to boycott napping today, so we are crossing our fingers that Mark's arrival and Henry's imminent meltdown do not coincide. I should actually really be shovelling piles of clothes into the ridiculously small closet so we have space to put the crib mattress Henry is going to have to sleep on tonight.

The little man just walked in here and I noticed that his sweatpants are still on backwards from the last time Kyle changed his diaper. We're such awesome parents...


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