Oh my little blog, how I've neglected you! I can't believe I haven't posted since before Halloween, that is just silly.
I am typing this on my new laptop! Kind of. Kyle found out that he has access to this laptop, so he brought it home for me to use until the end of the school year. WooHoo! The god thing is, that means I can update my little blogs and browse on my message boards in the wee hours of the morning when I am up with Henry but Kyle is still sleeping so I can't use the desktop. The bad news is that I can't post pictures from this computer, so I'll have to do a big picture post later.
It feels like we are so busy and nothing is happening at the same time. The knittig biz is absolutely crazy. I finally had to close until I can catch up with everything on my plate. I want to offer a few more things before the holidays, but I just don't think it is going to happen. I am not going to take any orders I can't finish before I leave for CT. I want to be free to hang out with the fam and maybe do some fun knitting projects that aren't work related. Wish me luck. I think I have about 15 pairs of longies that need to be made before Dec. 21.
So far we are kicking ass with our Fiber Arts Avenger auctions. With all 3 auctions added together, we have so far raised about $200. They are ending tonight, so I am hoping for a couple of last minute bidding wars. We'll see what happens.
Henry has decided that puzzles are the best thing ever. We found a little wooden numbers puzzle, I think they call them "tray puzzles" because they are wooden jigsaw pieces that sit in a tray, in the dollar bins at target yesterday and he has put it together and taken it apart approximately 700 times since then. It is actually ind of sad. I feel the need to run out and get him about 3 more so that he doesn't have to keep doing the same one over and over again. I'm not sure where to get them, though. I want to go to the teacher supply store, but I don't think they are open on Sundays. I need to find that other toy, whose name escapes me and is driving me crazy-it is a bunch of plastic shapes that come with pictures made out of the shapes and you put the plastic pieces on top of the pictures. I cant for the life of me remember what it is. I bet someone on Amity would know. Okay. I have to go ask. I'll be back later. Pinky swear.