Saturday, December 23, 2006

What to do in the last 2 hours before we leave from the airport. This is such a weird space of time, where I'm sure I have a million last minute things to do but can't think of a single one. So I sit. Trying to kill time so we can hurry up and get our travelling underway. Kyle is still sleeping, so I can't even putz around in the bedroom.

Henry woke up this morning and declared "Okay. I'm ready to fly on the airplane now". I guess he had to talk himself into it. He had a bad dream about falling the other night and I have been secretly afraid that it is a preminition. I hate flying. Our two flights today are split up well so that they are both relatively short, so hopefully it will go by fast.

He is getting very tired of taking his medicine. usually he fights for a minute and then gives in. This morning he started crying when he saw the syringe. He was genuinely frustrated that he keeps taking it like a champ and is rewarded for his compliance by having to take more. Poor kid. I held him and told him how much I know it sucks to do something you don't want to do over and over and then I made him take it. Mean old mommy. Once he swallowed it, it was no big deal, but I still felt bad. So bad, in fact, that I let him bite the head off of the gingerbread boy that I got for him at the bakery last night. Cookies at 7am, what could be finer?

I can't believe it, but I didn't know what yarn to pack. I packed what I need to finish up that last pair of pants, but those will be done soon, only a leg and a half to go. They'll probably be done tomorrow. I then just sat staring at my stash having no idea what I want to knit. I packed yarn for a pair of armwarmers and a hat for myself, and then I pooped out. I don't think Henry will wear anything I knit and I don't want to commit to an adult project. I should throw in a skein or two for a shower gift for Kim. I really want to knit the Rogue pullover hodie with Celtic cables, but that is a little big for me right now. And I dont have any yarn for it anyway. I'd love to do it in Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece. Mmmmmmmmmmm...yummy.

Okay I'm waking Kyle up in 45 minutes. We have to:

*Pack Henry's medicine (which is supposed to be refrigerated, so I'm waiting until the last minute) and my shoes, which are in the van already
*Get Henry dressed and ready to go
*Pack the car
*Go to the post office
*Go to the bakery and grab some breakfast
*Go to the bank machine
*Go drop the fishies off at Liz's house-we're down to 3 now.
*Go to the airport!

Okay. Henry is requesting that I play Play-Doh with him. I'm off. See you in CT!


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