Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I am a pretty lucky girl today.

1. I have a rockin' friend who is willing to put up with my little beastie for 4 days in a row so that I don't have to take the whole week off of work while Henry's preschool is closed for testing. And Henry and Adella have actually played really well together for 2 days in a row! And Henry hasn't refused potty help and pooped in his pants! What more could a mother ask for? Kyle decided he is going to stay home for Friday's optional teacher workday, so tomorrow will be the last day Liz will have to be mama of two.

2. I had a snow day today! No, that doesn't mean I got to stay home. Apparently they don't want the kids to die when their car slides off of a bridge, but they're willing to risk us. It was nice to get a mid-week break from the kids, though. Since in bizarro public school world the assistants have to get there at regular time (8am) and the teachers don't have to show up until 9:30, I brought my laptop and busted out a customer feedback form while I was waiting for a teacher to assist, per my job title. After that I did really important things like talking about music and making 7000 transparencies.

3. AC Moore is having a 25% off all yarn sale and they just got a shipment with black in. I stopped by before picking Henry up and got 4 skeins of black, a brown and a couple of whites to dye. Go me!

4. I came home to an email from Peace Fleece. They want me to send a business plan type dealio and a sample of my longies to their staff in Russia because they think there is a small Russian artisan coopertive that might be able to produce them for me. After they get my plan and my sample, a member of the staff will travel to the cooperative and figure out a price per item and what kind of volume they can do and we'll go from there. I would be producing more products while being able to help a small Russian artisan cooperative. Does it get cooler than that? I don't think so.

5. Auntie KiKi sent pictures of Sam in his easy peasy cardigan I made him over break and they are so. cute. Unfortunately, I am at the laptop right now so I can't post any, but I will tomorrow. Pinky swear.

6. I have the best husband ever. He made me chocolate, chocolate chip, walnut brownies AND made me a fillable knit graph in pdf form so that I can sell my duplicate stitch patterns. I think I am going to try to do a big stocking of knit gear on either Feb. 1 or March 1, depending on how the knitting machine works out. The Addi machine looks fairly complicated and it scares me, so I think I might stick with the cheap-o Michael's one for now.

7. I got up with Henry this morning (that's not the good part) so Kyle has to get up with him while I sleep in until 7 tomorrow.

8. Top Chef is on right now and we have enough time stored up in our TiFaux that we don't have to watch commercials.

Sam is hot, yo.


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