Last night Kyle went out to see a late movie and I hung out here and got some knitting done. I got sucked into Real World Denver. I know, I know. It was like a giant car wreck and I have trouble going to sleep when Kyle isn't here. I finally turned in at a little after 12 and laid in bed for an hour and a half thinking about manufacturing Crankypants. I just couldn't turn my brain off and go to sleep. At a little after 2, Henry woke up and called me in his room to tell me that he was hungry and then proceeeded to tell me jokes about getting dizzy and kept me up untol almost 3. He called out again a little before 4, but I thew Kyle the elbow and made him get up and deal with it. Unfortunately, my sad and soory brain glommed back on to the manufacturing idea and it took me quite a while to get back to sleep. I should have just taken some Tylenol PM and been done with it. Now it is 7:15 and I've been up for an hour with the bean. I'm tiiiiiiiiired and I have a lot to do today.
The bakery opens at 8, so I plan to drag Henry down there and stay long enough to drink a bigass cup of coffee and get a refill. After that, we head to Melissa's house to get Henry a haircut and have a playdate with McKai, who we haven't seen in a bajillion years. I am really looking forward to combing out the giant snarl on the back of Henry's head before we go. Except not.
I finished a pair of longies last night, so if I want to stay on schedule, I have to finish kniting the legs of another pair today. I got the trunk and bum design all done and then realised I had to hand dye the yarn for the stripes on the legs so I had to put them on hold until the yarn dried. I'd also like to finish the stitch marker sets I started in CT. And I have to finally email Robert back about the boo boo bags. I have been thinking about seeing if I can find a cheap knitting machine for things like that. I don't know though, I've never used on before so they might just be a pain in the heiney.
We lost a fish last night. When I went in to see what Henry wanted in the middle of the night I noticed it getting lodged under the filter. I was still kind of half asleep and getting the dead fish out before Hery got up and saw it in the morning became something I HAD to do. Right then. My brain gets wonky when I'm tired and stupid things seem monumentally important. So I took the top off and unplugged the filter and started poking around under the filter with the net to try to dislodge the little fish carcass from underneath while trying ot to let Henry see what I was doing. I finally go tit out and flushed him. By that time I had woken up enough to realise that it was completely ridiculous to try to get a fish body out of the tank at 3am while trying to convince Henry (who just wanted me to lay with him) that nothing was happening and I felt like a total idiot. Ah well.
Off to tackle the giant snarl before we depart for the land of the giant cinnimon roll.
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