Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I now truly understand the definition of the word overwhelmed. I have had a few email exchanged with the Peace Fleece staff in Maine and Russia and it looks like this thing might actually be able to happen. After aout a million hours of work and research and whatnot. The next step is to set a price to pay for each piece. Sounds simple, right? Yeah. Before I can set a price I need to find a yarn supplier who can ship to Russia. I found a Russian yarn company, but they don't carry 100% merino wool. They do have a worsted weight 100% wool, so I ordered a sample card and a skein of the regular wool to see if it might work out. Hopefully it will be here soon and be soft enough. They do ship inside of Russia, so it would really cut down on duty shipping on the supply end of things. After I figure out the cost of supplies, I need to figure out shipping costs of the longies to me here. I will need to figure out international shipping costs and duty on importing them here. I also need to figure out how much woven labels with proper manufacturing disclosure will be. After I figure all of that out, I need to sit down and decide how much I can sell them for, both wholesale and retail, and set a price I am willing to pay per pair of longies. I have a meeting with a local small business consulting firm on Thursday, so I am hoping they can help me with filling out all of the paperwork to get legal and get my wholesale and tax licenses. Kyle has made me a database that is linked to a spreadsheet that calculates cash flow, kind of like Quicken, but attached to all of my customer files. This means I can get back on track with bookkeeping, tracking my spending and paying back my loan. It also means that I can keep better track of my customer base and I can even send out a mass mailing to all of the people in the database.

*deep breath*

We went and looked around the new house this past weekend and there is going to be a nice little space in the basement where I can set up a workspace and office. There will be plenty of room for my filing cabinet and a desk with my sewing machine and my knitting machine when I get one. I decided I am going to wait until after we move so I can set it up in one place and don't have to move it around at all. Pretty exciting stuff.

Okay. It's bedtime for me. Night night kids.


Blogger liz said...

wow, amy.

you do have a lot on your plate now, but i'm sure all of this hard work will pay off one day - you'll be famous, mrs. crankypants!

let me know what i can do to help! maybe we should get out for a beer one evening...

4:34 AM  
Blogger anniebel said...

If anybody can do it.........you can! Awesome!

4:19 AM  
Blogger liz said...

okay, amy - it's tuesday now. where are you?

gheesh, you act like you are busy or something...

5:03 PM  

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