Friday, February 16, 2007

Mama said there'd be days like this...

Last night Henry woke up coughing again, so I went in to prop up his pillow and lay with him for a bit. I ended up falling asleep and woke up this morning in a puddle of Henry pee. At least he had the waterproof pad on the bed (which reminds me I have laundry to do).

Work has been unusually stressful lately. Yesterday I subbed in the afternoon for one of the teachers I usually assist. When I took the boys down for a bathroom break, they discovered that someone had decided to write swear words all over the bathroom walls. Using their own poo. Niiiiice. I found out today that it was one of the (more irritating and disruptive) kids that I do small group work with from another class. When they called his folks, they said it couldn't have been him and pulled him out of school. This weekend he is going to live with his grandmother in another town so he can attend a different school. I'm sure he'll have no trouble there whatsoever.

There is a kid in the class I subbed for yesterday that was grating on me all day. He didn't really do any one thing wrong, he just couldn't keep it together. He kept getting out of his chair, walking around, talking and whatnot and eventually his clip on the behavior chart was all the way at the bottom. He told me he was going to get in big trouble, but I didn't really think anything of it except to give him a little lecture about taking responsibility for your actions. Today he came into school with a split and scabby lip. His parents beat the crap out of him when he told them about the behavior chart. His legs were absolutely covered in huge ugly bruises and he had also apparently had his head banged against a wall. They had to call CPS and I'm not sure what is going to happen next. I know it isn't my fault. I KNOW that in my head, but damn. I also know that if I didn't keep moving his clip down it wouldn't have happened. I just want Henry to come home from school so I can give him a big hug (even though he'll never let me).

What the fuck is WRONG with people anyway? Bah!

I am going to drown my sorrows in a hot shower , The OC and a bigass bag of discounted Valentine's chocolate.


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